your chance at karaoke stardom
Boombox is your premier venue to qualify for the International Karaoke Federation (IKF) World Karaoke Cup! Qualifier rounds will be held the first three Mondays in April (4/3, 4/10, 4/17). Those that qualify will move on to the Finals held at Boombox on April 24th. Top performers will be crowned Boombox Venue Karaoke Champions and move on to regionals with a chance to win up to $5,000 at the IKF World Championships held right here in Seattle, WA!
For other questions and full details on the competition, visit
There is a $20 registration fee to compete. Payment can be made at the venue or upon registering at
You have three opportunities to enter the competition: Mondays - 4/3, 4/10 & 4/17. All singers should arrive no later than 9:30pm with the first competitor going on around 10pm. The order of singers is chosen at random.
Three judges from the IKF and local music/karaoke community will be on hand to judge the competition. Contestants are evaluated based on the IKF Scoring System. Entrants will receive feedback that night and will be notified that night if they are advancing to finals. Official judge notes will be available via the following day.
See the 2023 IKF Karaoke Cup Rules and Regulations for full details on eligibility.
2022 Karaoke Cup
Last year featured a spectacular turnout of Boombox regulars as well as competitors from the Seattle area looking to punch their ticket on the neon stage! Register to join the fun every Monday in April, or just come hang out and see who takes home the title of Boombox Karaoke Champion!